Sunday, 21 October 2018

Cliffs, Sand and Sea Paintings October 2018

Original Watercolour Painting and Colour Mixes by Sue

Welcome to the new academic year and a new course of Cliffs, Sand and Sea.  As you know my classes are open to beginners and more experienced artists.  On this course I was delighted to have two new beginners.  

As usual we started off by looking at examples by famous artists.  We discussed techniques, colour mixes and looked at various sand and cliff samples collected from Isle of Wight beaches.  Over the course of the four weeks the students produced a wide range of paintings using various mediums such as oil, watercolour and acrylic.  

The wonderful paintings created by the class are seen below including my own:

Original Watercolour Painting by Sue
Original Oil Painting by Sandra
Original Oil Painting by Peter
Original Oil Painting by Pam
Original Oil Painting by Laraine
Original Acrylic Painting by Liz
Original Oil Painting by Andrew
Unfinished Original Oil Painting by Kate
Original Acrylic by Anne
Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Thank you to all the artists who have shared their work on the blog.  Thank you to everyone who attended and made the course such a success!  

The new course starts in Northwood in January 2019.  If you are interested in taking part or would like one to one classes please contact me using the blog form.

Happy Painting!

Lee 🎨