Sunday, 13 December 2015

Isle of Wight Art Classes - January & February 2016

These are my upcoming private art classes for January and February next year:

(2 Week) Drawing & Painting Skills/Techniques
Friday 8th January, 10 to 1pm, Northwood W.I.Hall, Northwood/Cowes, £40.

(4 Week) Impressionist Land & Seascapes (Open Medium)
Friday 22nd January, 12.30 to 3pm, Ryde Rowing Club, Ryde, £65.

(4 Week) Learn to Paint Skyscapes (Open Medium)
Thursday 28th January, 10.00 to 12.45pm, Bembridge Village Hall, Bembridge, £69

If you would like to book a place please contact me via the contact form at the bottom of my blog.  You can also contact me if you would like further information or want to book one to one tuition.

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!


Sunday, 22 November 2015

One Day Painting & Drawing Workshops - Nov 2015

Original painting by Cathy 2015


I have just completed two separate enjoyable, fully booked and successful one day workshops in November. 


The Learners brought along paintings and drawings that needed finishing or ones which they needed guidance with.  In some cases the Learners started new paintings on the day and received help with these.  The examples you see here are the ones that were finished. 


Thank you to everyone for taking part in these workshops and making them happen.  A BIG thank you to all those Artists who have shared the work in this blog post!

Original painting by Meryel 2015

Original painting by Lolly 2015

Original painting by Liz 2015

Original pencil working study for painting by Julie 2015
Original painting by Vicki 2015

Original painting by Janet 2015
If you would like to learn new skills in painting and drawing please message me via the contact form at the bottom of this blog.  My new classes will start after Christmas and details will be posted here in December, but private one to one classes are still available beforehand. 

Best wishes


Sunday, 8 November 2015

Portraiture Part Three: How to Paint Hair Using Oils

Detail of Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

In my latest post about portraiture I am looking at how to depict hair using oil paints.  

Whilst I was at art school a teacher once said to me get someone's hair right and you are some way near to capturing their likeness.  Many decades later after doing numerous portraits and figurative painting I can say he was most definitely correct.  The way I depict hair using oil paints is as follows:

Leave the white of the primed canvas so that when you put on the first hair colour preferably the lightest tone the white canvas will make the hair appear luminous. This will be the lightest parts of the hair. 

The mid tones and dark tones will be added when dry. These will be done by using a soft acrylic or watercolour brush with the mixed colour of paint and applied through dry brush technique.  Dry brush technique is when you only use the paint and no painting medium, i.e. just oil paint with no turpentine or linseed oil.

Although hair often looks hard to do, if you follow this technique it can be done very simply as the following paintings show.

Detail of Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Detail of Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Detail of Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Detail of Original Oil Painting by Traceyann Papworth

If you would like to learn more about the art of painting please follow my blog.  I teach locally on the Isle of Wight and if you would like to join a class please use the contact form below.

Best wishes


Sunday, 25 October 2015

Painting Farming Landscapes & Scenes Course - October 2015


The five week course Painting Farming Landscapes and Scenes ended on Friday.  It was an enjoyable course with a fantastically high standard of paintings being created. The various farming scenes featured in the paintings were from local areas on the Island including Northwood, Apse Heath, Merstone and Sandford.  


Thanks to all the class for sharing their work on this blog post - the class would not have run without you!   


Original painting by Liz 2015

Original painting by Andrew (work in progress) 2015

Original painting by Rosemary (work in progress) 2015 

Original painting by Kate 2015

Original painting by Peter 2015

Original painting by Gill (work in progress) 2015

Original painting by Barbara 2015

Original painting by Sandra 2015

Detail from Sandra's painting
The next course at Northwood WI Hall is a one day workshop 10am to 1pm on Friday 13th November 2015.  The workshop fee is £20.  This workshop can be used to complete unfinished paintings or drawings, alternatively you can use the day to start a new painting or drawing in any medium. 
If you would like to join any of my classes or arrange private tuition please use the blog contact form below.
All best wishes

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Interior Scenes & Everyday Life Course - October 2015

Original pastel painting by Vicki 2015

Thursday was the last day of my Interior Scenes & Everyday Life Course.  The standard of work was exceptionally high.  

Students were asked to produce paintings that either included people, pets or scenes from everyday life.  Scenes of everyday life included paintings set in cafes, pubs, parks or any form of social gathering that captured their imagination.  

Original oil painting by Pam 2015

Original oil painting by Cathy 2015

Original oil painting using painting knife by Lolly 2015

Original oil painting by Sue 2015

Original acrylic painting by Janice 2015 (work in progress)

Original oil painting by Simonne 2015 (work in progress)

Original oil painting by Liz 2015

Detail from Liz's painting which is very reminiscent of the style of  Edward Hopper 

Thank you to all the students who gave permission to share their work - not forgetting Tisha, Maz and Maria whose work is not shown here, but contributed greatly to the course.

If you would like to attend one of my courses please use the contact form below.

With best wishes


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Learning to Paint Skyscapes - September 2015

Painting by Pam 2015

The works of art shown in this post were created over a four week course called Learning to Paint Skyscapes.  I put together a course on skyscapes as I often get asked by aspiring artists and intermediate artists 'how do I paint clouds and skies?'  

The wonderful paintings on this page have been created by beginners and intermediate artists proving that empowering individuals with the correct tools and techniques can create beautiful works of art!

Painting by Sue 2015

Painting by Gaye 2015

Painting by Liz 2015
Painting by Lisa 2015 - Her first painting!

Painting by Jo 2015

Painting by Lolly 2015

Painting by Margaret 2015

Painting by Pam H 2015

Painting by Pam H 2015

Painting by Stuart 2015

Thanks to the students for allowing me to share their work here and congratulations on the beautiful work! Thank you also to Farzeen who missed the photo session, but whose work is equally awesome. 

If you would like to join a course or have a private class please use the contact form on the bottom of this page.

Best wishes


Sunday, 13 September 2015

Valle dei Templi - Sicily - September 2015

Last week I had the pleasure to visit the Valle dei Templi (Valley of Temples) in Agrigento, Sicily. A wonderful afternoon was spent walking around the ancient remains which include eight temples.  Of these my favourite and I think the most impressive is Concordia.  

The Temple of Concordia is one of the best preserved ancient temples in the world.  It was built in the 5th Century BC.

The beautiful view across the countryside from the Temple of Concordia.  If you get a chance to go to Sicily I recommend taking a day trip to Agrigento to the Valle Dei Templi.  Take a camera and sketchbook! 

Another great place to visit is the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Palermo which is one of my favourite art galleries.

Best wishes


Sunday, 30 August 2015

My Favourite London Art Galleries

Whenever I am in London these are some of my favourite art galleries. I have included the website addresses so you can look them up and perhaps plan your visit:

National Gallery -

National Portrait Gallery -

Tate Modern -

Tate Britain -

Barbican Centre -

Leighton House Museum -

Coulthauld Gallery -

Royal Academy -

Hayward Gallery -

Serpentine Gallery -

But, the best gallery of all is online at BBC Your Paintings -

So if you are going to London take a look at one or two of these and fill your heart with art!

Best wishes


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Portraiture Part Two - Create Beautiful Skin Tones

Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

This week I thought it would be a good idea to give some tips on mixing successful skin tones  I hope you find it useful!

Whether your skin appears predominantly pinkish or brownish, it will be made up of a great many different hues and tints.  Skin tends to appear as a collection of cool and warm colours, which can help describe the form.  Cool colours tend to recede.  Warm colours tend to advance forwards.  Your palette should therefore comprise of a selection of cool and warm colours.

Skin Colour Mixes - Try using different combinations and different amounts of the following primary colours to create light skin tones:- Yellow Ochre, Naples Yellow, Cadmium Yellow (warm), Cadmium Red (warm), Alizarin Crimson (cool), French Ultramarine (warm), Cobalt Blue (cool) and Titanium White. 

Use blues for veins as well as darker, cooler areas and shadows.  Adding blue will make your skin colour more natural looking.  Use Raw or Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber to make darker skin tones.  Also consider a combination of primary colours to make beautiful rich brown colours for darker skin tones as well.

As always keep your mixtures clean and pure by limiting the number of colours in them to three or four.  Take your time when mixing your colours.

Tip 1: Make a skin tone chart of your own by experimenting with the colours above.  Each time you mix a colour write down next to it the colours you mixed to make it.  The best way to learn is trying out different combinations and not being afraid to make mistakes!

Tip 2: Never be tempted to buy a 'flesh tint' tube of paint.. as this will never look natural and you will become a better painter mixing your own colours.


Most importantly....have fun! 


Follow my blog so you don't miss out on Portraiture Part Three.  If you would like to attend my art classes on the Isle of Wight please use the contact form at the bottom of this blog. 

Best wishes


Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Original Oil Painting by Lee Papworth

Friday, 7 August 2015

Upcoming Private Courses - Summer/Autumn

Skyscapes (from land and sea to sky)

This is a 4 week *open medium course commencing Friday 4th September 2015 from 12.30 to 3pm at Ryde Rowing Club.  Course fee £65 and please bring your own materials.  

Painting Interior Scenes  (including figures in the home)

This is a 4 week open medium course commencing mid/late September on Thursdays from 10.00 to 12.30 at Bembridge Village Hall.  Course fee £65 and please bring your own materials.

Farming Landscapes/Scenes (lost British Impressionism)

This is a 5 week open medium course commencing Friday 25th September 2015 from 10.00 to 12.00 at Northwood WI Hall.  Course fee £70 and please bring your own materials.

*Open medium:- oil paints, acrylics or watercolours.

To book or for more information please use the contact form at the bottom of this blog and I will contact you asap.

Best wishes


Upcoming Council Courses

The courses below are run by the council and delivered by myself.  To book a place call the Community Learning Centre on 817280.  (The council courses are available which are on their website and advertised locally).

Abstract Painting to Music
Learn to Draw using Pastels & Oil Pastels WORKSHOP
Print your own Tote Bag WORKSHOP
Drawing Colour Pencil Portraits WORKSHOP
Drawing with Charcoal & Graphite Sticks WORKSHOP
Abstract Canvas Painting
Palette Knife Painting
Painted Christmas Cards

Best wishes


Sunday, 26 July 2015

Portrait Tips - Part One

Knitting - oil painting by Mrs I Westcott

Here are a few pointers to help you map out the facial features of your sitter. The following are guidelines only as the characteristics of individual sitter's may vary:

  • The bottom of the eye socket is at the mid point of the face.
  • The top of the ears are on a line with the eyebrows.
  • The bottom of the ears are on a line with the end of the nose.
  • There is one eye's width between the eyes.
  • The distance between the pupils is a bit wider than the width of the lips.
  • The skull is as deep as the length of the face.
  • The back of the skull is slightly wider than the face.
  • Capturing the person's hairstyle is integral to creating a successful likeness.
Part two to follow soon!

Best wishes


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Creating a Successful Landscape or Seascape

Luccombe to Culver - an original painting by Lee Papworth 2015

Here are a few ideas to assist you in creating successful landscapes and seascapes:

Choose the correct size and shape support (Canvas, board, paper etc.) for your intended painting

Armatures, plan and organise the direction and flow of the composition
(5 best ones – S, L, Diagonal, Triangle and Radiating Lines)

Think in terms of abstract shapes (masses) forget detail at the start

Be dynamic with your composition, crop for drama

Create an entrance

Choose a point of view (low, high or normal)

Have a focal poiint

Think foreground, middle ground and background when choosing
a composition

Don’t be afraid to modify/edit a composition to make it visually stronger

Remember in the western world we read text left to right (this also applies to reading art) have something of interest on the left hand side

Try to lead the eye into and around a landscape painting, try to avoid too many horizontals or objects in the centre blocking your progress into the painting also avoid awkward edges

Have a strong sense of perspective (both aerial and linear) make sure your painting gives the illusion of depth, make it recede

Detail and definition get less towards the background (choose cool colours in the background to achieve this)

Choose an interesting subject (use a view finder/L shapes - ‘en plein air’)

Do prep work – pencil sketches, colour sketches in paint

Commence painting fully prepared 

Paint the details last

And most importantly - Enjoy!!

Best wishes


Walking to Shanklin - an original painting by Lee Papworth 2015